Hair Removal
Venus Velocity
Are you ready to get rid of your razor? If so its time to start
Hair grows in a cycle of three stages: growth, transitional and resting. Venus Velocity uses laser technology to target the hair follicle in the anagen phase, which is when the hair responds best to the treatment. About 30% of hair is in this phase at any given time, which is why you need multiple treatments to see results. Venus Velocity works by delivering energy to the hair follicle, where it’s absorbed by the hair pigment. This destroys the follicle so that the hair cannot grow anymore, resulting in permanent hair removal.
Multiple sessions are needed for Laser Hair Removal because hair grows in different stages. The number of sessions and the duration of each session will vary for each patient depending on the area being treated. Consult your certified aesthetician to create a treatment plan that will work best on your skin tone and hair type.
Comfort & Safety
How it works
What to expect
Venus Velocity can remove unwanted hair in less time than traditional treatments, even for large areas of the body. There is no downtime so you can return to your regular routine immediately afterward. We do ask you to stay away from the sun for the two weeks that follow your treatment. Do not tan in tanning beds or use tanning cream while you are getting laser treatments.
Venus Velocity is safe for all skin tones, including naturally tanned skin. The advanced cooling system works on contact to ensure your skin is always protected, so you can enjoy a more comfortable treatment. Let your technician know if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant and or nursing as these are contraindications for lasers.
Post-operative Course
DAY 1-7:
The healing time for any given treatment varies between diferent lients. The following represethis
the general recovery phases you minfazvaties heiwecan diers may experience variations from this
The most common side effects are ervthema and edema (redness and swelling) which generally
occur immediately after treatment and typically resolve within 24-48 hours. Crusting and rarely,
blistering may occur which typically resolve within 48-72 ours. Some patients experience mild
itching post treatment. This is common and lasts approximately 1-2 days.
Post treatment discomfort is mild, and you may return to regular activities immediately. It is advised
that you avoid hot baths, saunas, jacuzzis and pools for the first two days following treatment
(bacteria in them can cause an infection). It is best to avoid apply ice or cooling compresses as the
heat response is the body's natural healing response. However, if extreme heat or discomfort is
evident, use cold compresses to sooth the area.
Moisturizer may be applied after each treatment, and then should be applied regularly throughout the
course of the treatment.
Make-up may be applied to hide the pinkness of the skin.
Sun Exposure:
Sun avoidance should become a permanent component of your long-term skin care program, always
use a sunblock. Sun exposure to the treatment area immediately after treatment and for one month
following the treatment may increase the risk of pigmentary changes in the treatment area
Long-term Skin Care:
In addition to sun avoidance for one month following the treatment, we suggest ongoing use of
Warning Signs; The following are some of the symptoms that should alert you to the possibility of an
impending or existing complication and you should contact the clinic.
Infection may be present if you notice:
Increased (rather than decreasing) facial swelling after the first 24-36 hours.
Redness spreading beyond the area of resurfacing that is warm and tender to touch.
Day 1-7
Refrain from exposure to hot baths, saunas, Jacuzzis and pools for the first two days
following treatment
Use a moisturizer on treated area post-procedure
Always use sunblock on treated area even if it's a cloudy day
Sun avoidance immediately after and for one month following the treatment and wear
adequate sun protection
Blisters or ulcerated skin can be treated with prescribed antibiotic ointment
Keep scabs soft with lubrification cream and avoid picking or scrubbing them off -
Allow for natural exfoliation / peeling of the skin to occur
post care